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Maximal Tracial Algebras (joint with Hassan Yousefi)​


Academic Report

Title: Maximal Tracial Algebras (joint with Hassan Yousefi)

Reporter: Donald Hadwin

Time: June 21, 2018 (Thursday) PM 15:00-16:00

Location: A1101# room, Innovation Park Building

Contact: SHI Rui (tel:84708351-8141)

Abstract: Suppose that A is a subalgebra of an algebra B, and f is a linear functional on B. We say A is f-tracial if f(1)=1 and f(xy)=f(yx) for all x, y in A. We discuss maximal tracial algebras.


The brief introduction to the reporter: Donald Hadwin is a professor of mathematics at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, who lists his research interests as Hilbert spaces, operator theory, free entropy, operator algebras, ring theory, and K-theory. He made important contributions in these fields with more than 120 research papers in "J. Funct. Anal." "Trans. Amer. Math. Soc." "Canad. J. Math." "J. Operator Theory" etc. and more than 750 citations.