
Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Networks using Multi-view Time-​Series Hypersphere Learning

2017年06月07日 10:42  点击:[]

报告题目:Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Networks using Multi-view Time-Series Hypersphere Learning

报告人: Xian Teng    University of Pittsburgh

报告时间:20176 16日(星期五)下午 15:00-16:00

报告地点:创新园大厦 A1101

校内联系人:张仁权      联系电话:84708351-8123


Abstract: Detecting anomalous patterns from dynamic and multi-attributed network systems has been a challenging problem due to the complication of temporal dynamics and the variations reflected in multiple data sources. We propose a Multi-view Time-Series Hypersphere Learning (MTHL) approach that leverages multi-view learning and support vector description to tackle this problem. Given a dynamic network with time-varying edge and node properties, MTHL projects multi-view time-series data into a shared latent subspace, and then learns a compact hypersphere surrounding normal samples with soft constraints. The learned hypersphere allows for effectively distinguishing normal and abnormal cases. We further propose an efficient, two-stage alternating optimization algorithm as a solution to the MTHL. Extensive experiments are conducted on both synthetic and real datasets. Results demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline methods in detecting three types of events that involve (i) time-varying features alone, (ii) time-aggregated features alone, as well as (iii) both features. Moreover, our approach exhibits consistent and good performance in face of issues including noises, anomaly pollution in training phase and data imbalance.




上一条:Efficient collective influence maximization in cascading processes ​with first-order transitions 下一条:散射与反散射问题的数值计算
