

2018年11月14日 14:04  点击:[]


报告人:  刘文德教授   (哈尔滨师范大学)

报告时间: 20181117日上午10:00-11:00

报告地点: 创新园大厦A1101

校内联系人:王颖 教授             联系电话 84708351-8020

报告摘要:Suppose that the underlying field is of characteristic different from 2, 3. We first prove thatthe so-called stem deformations of a free presentations of a finite-dimensional Lie superalgebra L exhaust all the maximal stem extensions ofL, up to equivalence of extensions. Then we prove that multipliers and covers always exist for a Liesuperalgebraand they are unique up to Lie superalgebraisomorphisms. We also show that the second cohomology group with coefficients in the trivial module is isomorphic to the multiplier for L. Finally, we describe the multipliers, covers and maximal stem extensions of Heisenberg superalgebras  and model filiform Lie superalgebras.



上一条:【北京师范大学】Multi-bump bound states for a Schrodinger system 下一条:【湖南大学】3-colored asymmetric bipartite Ramsey number of connected matchings and cycles
