
Almost global existence for the semi-linear Klein-Gordon equation on the circle

2016年11月04日 14:22  点击:[]


报告题目Almost global existence for the semi-linear Klein-Gordon equation on the circle



报告人张启迪  华东理工大学

报告校内联系人丛洪滋 副教授 联系电话:84708315-8037

报告摘要I will talk about long time existence problem of semi-linear Klein-Gordon equations on the circle. We shall show, that if the nonlinearity satisfying a convenient condition, then the solution, if it is even or odd about the space variable, must exist almost globally, for almost every positive mass. The requirement that the solution is even or odd about the space variable can be removed if one strengthens the condition on the nonlinearity. The results are based on the method of normal forms. This is joint work with D.Y. Fang and Z. Han.

报告人简介张启迪,男,华东理工大学教师。2005年本科毕业于浙江大学; 2010年研究生毕业于浙江大学、巴黎北大学,取得博士学位。曾在法国、意大利留学。主要研究领域为偏微分方程,所取得的成果发表在 Comm. Partial Differential EquationsJ. Differential EquationsJ. Dyna. Differential EquationsInternational Math. Research NoticesNonlinear Analysis: TMA 等杂志上。








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