
【新加坡国立大学】—吴杰“Combinatorial approaches to unstable homotopy”

2015年12月22日 13:59  点击:[]


报告题目:Combinatorial approaches to unstable homotopy

报告人:吴杰 教授  新加坡国立大学

报告时间:20151224 上午10:30


报告人介绍:Professor Jie Wu was born in Zhejiang, China. He obtained his master's degree in mathematics from Nankai University in 1989 and his PhD degree from the University of Rochester in 1995. After taking his postdoctoral/lectural positions in University of California in Berkeley, University of Toronto and University of Pennsylvania, he joined with National University of Singapore in 1999 with promotion to full professor in 2009. His main research interests are algebraic topology with connections to braids, links, mapping class groups and representation theory. His joint work with Professor Paul Selick on homotopy theory established a fundamental connection between unstable homotopy theory and the modular representation theory. His work on simplicial groups gave a combinatorial des_cription of homotopy groups of spheres. Due to a surprising discovery on a fundamental connection between the theory of braids and homotopy groups, he and Professor Jon Berrick shared the National Science Award of Singapore in 2007. He published over 30 research papers in Journal of American Mathematical Society and other reputable journals.



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