
【苏州大学】MPEC problems with polynomial data and SDP relaxations

2020年12月02日 10:36  点击:[]

报告人: 矫立国  苏州大学

报告题目:MPEC problems with polynomial data and SDP relaxations

报告时间:2020/12/4 (周五)下午300-400      

地点:腾讯会议 ID 219 674 290

报告校内联系人:郭 峰 副教授       联系电话:84708351-8088


In this talk, we consider a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC), where the objective and the constraint functions are all real polynomials. We present a method for finding its global minimizers and global minimum using a hierarchy of semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations. The convergence result for our method is proved, and numerical experiments are also presented to show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.





上一条:【南开大学组合数学中心】Analytical properties of combinatorial sequences 下一条:【苏州大学】Fock空间上积分算子
