报告题目:Singleton mesh patterns in multidimensional permutations
报 告 人:Sergey Kitaev 教授(University of Strathclyde)
校内联系人:陈曦 副教授 联系方式:84708351-8604
报告摘要:Permutation patterns is a popular area of research introduced in 1968, but with roots going to the work of Leonhard Euler in 1749. In this talk, I will present a brand-new notion of a singleton mesh pattern (SMP), which is a multidimensional mesh pattern of length 1. It turns out that avoidance of this pattern in arbitrary large multi-dimensional permutations can be characterised using an invariant of a pattern called its rank. This allows to determine avoidability for an SMP P efficiently, even though determining rank of P is an NP-complete problem. Moreover, using the notion of a minus-antipodal pattern, one can characterise SMPs which occur at most once in any d-dimensional permutation. I will also discuss a number of enumerative results regarding the distributions of certain general projective, plus-antipodal, minus-antipodal and hyperplane SMPs. This is joint work with Sergey Avgustinovich, Jeffrey Liese, Vladimir Potapov and Anna Taranenko.
报告人简介:Sergey Kitaev,英国思克莱德大学理学院副院长、数学与统计学系教授,现任《Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A》、《Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society》、《Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications》期刊编委。2003年博士毕业于瑞典哥德堡大学,主要研究组合计数问题,已在《J. Combin. Theory Ser. A》、《Adv. in Appl. Math.》、《European J. Combin.》等期刊发表论文160余篇,著有专著《Patterns in Permutations and Words》和《Words and Graphs》。先后主持冰岛和英国国家基金委的项目,并多次应邀在重要组合数学会议上做大会报告。