报告题目:The compactness of Bergman type operators
报告人:丁立家 博士 (郑州大学)
邀请人:杨义新 教授
报告摘要:In this talk, I shall discuss the compactness of Bergman type operators on irreducible bounded symmetric domains. In the first half of the talk, I shall give the characterization of Lp-Lq compactness and Schatten class membership of Bergman type operators on the usual unit ball. I shall then give the characterization of Schatten class Bergman type operators on general irreducible bounded symmetric domains, and as its application, I shall give a new integral estimate related to the Forelli-Rudin estimate.
报告人简介:丁立家,2019年博士毕业于复旦大学,师从郭坤宇教授,2019-2020年于北京大学做博士后,合作导师为关启安教授,目前就职于郑州大学数学与统计学院。在Adv. Math., Integr. Equ. and Oper. Theory等杂志发表论文。