​【西安交通大学】Constrained Surface Mapping and Its Applications

发布时间:2023年11月07日 09:38 浏览量:

报告题目:Constrained Surface Mapping and Its Applications

报 告 人:曾薇 教授 西安交通大学

报告时间:2023119日(星期 10:40-11:10


校内联系人:王磊 教授            联系电话:84708351-8137

报告摘要: Conformal mapping of “pure” surfaces is well-known and has been widely used in engineering and biomedicine. For surfaces with geometric features (e.g., points, curves, graph, etc.) which we call “constrained” surfaces, we try to study the geometric structures of such surfaces and answer the question that how the geometric features affect the whole structure of surface. We propose a concept of “canonical” quasiconformal mapping and sequentially build a systematic framework of surface mapping, matching, registration and shape analysis for constrained surfaces. In this talk, we will introduce the methodology of constrained surface mapping and its typical applications in medical imaging.

报告人简介:曾薇,西安交通大学数学与统计学院信息科学系,教授,博导。2008年获得中国科学院计算机科学与技术专业博士学。曾在美国石溪大学顾险峰教授团队进行博士研究生阶段访学及博士后研究。主要从事三维计算机视觉的几何分析方法研究并应用于工程与医疗领域,并探索微分几何、最优传输与机器学习关联理论方法和应用。出版Springer 英文专著1 部,题目为《Ricci flow for surface registration and shape analysis: theory, algorithm and application》。获2009年CAD/CAM年度最佳论文奖和2017年世界华人数学家联盟最佳论文奖,获国际国内专利10余项(其中美国专利3项)。




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