报告题目:Basic hypergeometric series associated to the root systems and Mock Theta Functions
报告人:张之正 教授(洛阳师范学院)
校内联系人:王毅 教授
报告摘要:The theory of basic hypergeometric series consists of many known summation and transformation formulas. These basic hypergeometric series identities frequently appear in combinatorics and in related area such as number theory, physics, and representation theory of Lie algebras. Multiple basic hypergeometric series associated to the unitary groupAn(orU(n+ 1)),CnandDnhave been investigated by various authors. Many different types of such series exist in the literature. In this talk, we give
U(n+ 1) analogue of AAB Bailey lattice (Agarwal, Andrews and Bressoud) and its applications;
U(n+ 1),Cnand elliptic generalizations of WP-Bailey pairs and their applications;
A WP-Bailey lattices and itsU(n+ 1) analogue.