【河北师范大学】 Classification theory of C*-algebras

发布时间:2020年06月22日 11:10 浏览量:


报告题目: Classification theory of C*-algebras


报告人:   刘智超 博士后(河北师范大学)


报告时间: 2020628日(星期日)上午10:00--11:00          


会议 ID361 376 376 会议密码:200628        


校内联系人:石瑞      联系电话:84708351-8100



The theory and application of C*-algebras are related to such fields as operator theory, quantum mechanics and dynamical systems. Despite the great influence of this subject to other fields, the understanding of C*-algebras itself was very limited. In 1989, George A. Elliott initiated the program of classification of C*-algebras (up to isomorphism) by their K-theoretical data. Since then, great efforts have been made to classify amenable C*-algebras. Large classes of simple amenable C*-algebras were discovered to be classifiable.  This talk aims to give a brief history of the classification of C*-algebras.  We also discuss some basic examples and fundanmental technique in the classification theorem, after reviewing the successes of the program on simple C*-algebras, we will present some results on real rank zero C*-alegbras.


报告人简介:刘智超,2017年获吉林大学博士学位,师从龚贵华教授,长期从事算子理论与算子代数的研究工作。主要研究兴趣包括C*代数中的算子理论、C*代数分类理论等算子理论与算子代数领域中的前沿课题。已在《Journal of Topology and Analysis》、加拿大数学会《Canadian Mathematical Bulletin》、《Mathematica Scandinavica》、中国数学会《Science China Mathematics》等综合性主流数学期刊上录用并发表多篇高水平科研论文。





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