报告题目: An infinite family of baid group representations in automorphism groups of free groups
报告人: Yongjin Song 教授(韩国仁荷大学)
报告校内联系人:雷逢春 联系方式:84708360
时间: 2020年1月14日 星期二 14:30-15:30
地点: 创新园大厦A1101
报告摘要:The d-fold branched coverings on a disk give an infinite family of nongeometric embeddings of braid groups into mapping class groups. We, in this lecture, give new explicit expressions of these braid group representations into automorphism groups of free groups in terms of the actions on the generators of free groups. We also give a systematic way of constructing and expressing these braid group representations in terms of a new gadget, called covering groupoid. We prove that each generator of braid group inside mapping class group induced by d-fold covering is the product of d-1 Dehn twists on the surface.
报告人简介: Yongjin SONG,韩国仁荷大学数学系教授, 现任韩国数学会副理事长,韩国数学会奥数委员会主任,韩国数学奥林匹克队顾问,主要从事代数拓扑领域中的范畴论、同伦论、环路空间结构、辫子群、映射类群和Artin群等方面的研究工作,是代数拓扑领域国际知名专家,2010年曾获韩国数学会最佳指导论文奖(相当于国内的博士百优论文奖),多次承担韩国国家研究基金项目,多次组织主办学术会议,包括韩国大宇纯数学研讨会、日韩代数拓扑会议、中日韩代数拓扑会议、东亚代数拓扑会议、国际数学家大会代数拓扑卫星会议、韩国数学会拓扑研讨会等。