
【中央民族大学】The limit to rarefaction wave with vacuum for 1D compressible fluids with temperature-dependent transport coefficients

2021年07月08日 10:47  点击:[]

报告题目:The limit to rarefaction wave with vacuum for 1D compressible fluids with temperature-dependent transport coefficients

报告人:李明杰 副研究员 中央民族大学

报告时间:2021712日(星期一) 09:50-10:40

报告地点:海山楼 B1410

校内联系人:禹芳                  联系电话:84708351-8096


报告摘要:In this talk, we study the zero dissipation limit of the one-dimensional full compressible Navier–Stokes equations with temperature-dependent viscosity and heat-conduction coefficient. It is proved that given a rarefaction wave with one-side vacuum state to the full compressible Euler equations, we can construct a sequence of solutions to the full compressible Navier–Stokes equations which converge to the above rarefaction wave with vacuum as the viscosity and the heat-conduction coefficient tend to zero. Moreover, the uniform convergence rate is obtained. The main difficulty in our proof lies in the degeneracies of the density, the temperature and the temperature-dependent viscosities at the vacuum region in the zero dissipation limits.


报告人简介:李明杰,中央民族大学理学院副教授。公开发表SCI论文多篇,部分研究结果发表在本领域国际顶尖学术期刊 :Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis、SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis等。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,面上项目一项。

上一条:【华南师范大学】Strong solutions for 1D Navier-Stokes/Allen-Cahn system with phase variable dependent viscosity 下一条:【北京应用物理与计算数学研究所】计算流体力学的时空观:模型的时空关联性及算法的时空耦合性
