

2019年04月17日 17:00  点击:[]



报告时间:2019420日  上午815



Measuring the impact of air pollution on respiratory infection

risk in China

肖燕妮, yxiao@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

School of Mathematics & Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Abstract: China is now experiencing major public health challenges caused by air pollution. There are many challenges to quantifying the dynamics of air pollution and evaluating its impact of on the risk of respiratory infection. This talk presented a novel methodology through integrating correlation analysis, relative risk evaluation and dynamic models with an air quality index (AQI)-related incidence and interventions. Our analysis illustrated the respiratory infection risk has increased progressively with increased AQI with a time lag of 0-3 days. Our combined data and modelling analysis estimated the basic reproduction number for the respiratory infection during the studying period to be 2.4076, higher than the basic reproduction number of the 2009 pandemic influenza in the same province. Our modelling-based simulations concluded that, in terms of respiratory infection risk reduction, the persistent control of emission in the China's blue-sky programme is much more effective than substantial social-economic interventions implemented only during the smog days. The prediction and evaluation suggested that a combination of statistical analysis with mathematical modelling with available surveillance and environmental data can provide substantial information about AQI dynamics and its impact on respiratory infection dynamics. Joint work with Sanyi Tang, Qinling Yan, Wei Shi and PhD students.


The stability of full dimensional KAM tori for nonlinear Schrödinger equation

丛洪滋, conghongzi@

School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology

Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss the existence and long time stability the full dimensional invariant tori for 1D nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic boundary conditions.


Shape design in the incompressible viscous fluids

晏文璟, wenjingyan@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

School of Mathematics & Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Abstract: In this talk, I will briefly introduce the shape inverse design and shape optimal design in incompressible viscous fluids. The first part of the talk is concerned with the shape reconstruction of a bounded and smooth domain from the observed information in the Navier- Stokes flow. The continuous dependence of the solution on variations of the boundary is established, and the explicit representation of domain derivative of correspondin rse problem. In the second part, the shape optimization problem of a body immersed in the incompressible fluid governed by Navier-Stokes equations is considered. Then the structure of shape gradient for the cost functional is derived by the differentiability of a minimax formulation involving a Lagrange functional with the function space parametrization technique. Moreover, a gradient- type algorithm is employed to solve the shape optimization problem. The numerical examples demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


On Piecewise Sparse Signal Recovery

李崇君, chongjun@

School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology

Abstract: In some applications, there are signals with piecewise sparse structure to be recovered. Suppose that a vector  has  blocks, if each block  is a sparse vector with support set , then we say  is a piecewise sparse vector. Let , then  is denoted by -sparse vector. Denoted by , then  is also a global -sparse vector. It needs to be pointed out that the piecewise sparse vector is quite different from the block sparse vector, which are well studied. In this talk, we will introduce some new results and algorithms on piecewise sparse signal recovery.


Research on Intelligent Wireless Communication

薛江, x.jiang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

School of Mathematics & Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Abstract: In this talk, I will share the research experiences and results about intelligent wireless communication, which are based on the works done recently. Intelligent wireless communication is the future technique after 5G system, and it could make the wireless communication system more adaptive and intelligent by using machine learning methods. Meanwhile, this talk will show you how it works for preamble detection in IoT, signal detection for MIMO system, adaptive CSI estimation by noise modelling, etc.. it will also show great improvement can be achieved by machine learning in new are.



王振, wangzhen@

School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology

Abstract: 海洋内波普遍存在于海洋中,其携带的巨大能量对海洋平台、潜艇等海洋结构物是极大的威胁。通过简化为两层流体,利用边界积分方程的方法建立了内波生成的全非线性数值模型,改进了计算方法,分析了运动点涡和水翼生成的内波特征,考虑了内波和表面波的作用,并开展了内波通过变化地形的演化及其流场特征的物理模型实验。



Liouville correspondences between multi-component integrable hierarchies

刘小川, liuxiaochuan@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

School of Mathematics & Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Abstract: This is a joint result with Peter J. Olver, Changzheng Qu and Jing Kang. We study explicit correspondences between some multi-component integrable hierarchies. We show how the Liouville transformations between the isospectral problems of the multi-component systems relate the corresponding hierarchies, in both positive and negative directions, as well as their associated conservation laws. This extends previous results on the scalar hierarchies to the multi-component case.


Recent results for the steady Navier-Stokes equations---

a Liouville-type perspective

王文栋, wendong@

School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology

Abstract: In this talk, we will recall some developments about the steady Navier-Stokes equations, especially from a Liouville-type perspective. Also, we will talk about our recent results on this topic and some remaining questions.


上一条:【郑州大学】Stability of exponential attractors for a family of semilinear wave equations with gentle dissipation 下一条:2019中科院华罗庚班数学思想方法系列讲座(四)微分方程中的一些问题和方法简介
