
【美国奥本大学】Chemotherapy with time-dependent infusion

2018年07月16日 16:00  点击:[]





告题目Talk 1: Chemotherapy with time-dependent infusion

Talk 2: Chemotherapy with time delay

报告人韩晓莹 教授 (Auburn University, USA


报告地点:创新园大厦 A1101报告厅

校内联系人:柳振鑫 教授      联系电话:84708351-8039


Abstract 1: Classical mathematical models for chemotherapy assume a constant infusion rate of the chemotherapy agent.  However in reality the infusion rate   usually varies with respect to time, due to the natural fluctuation of environments or clinical needs.  In this work we study   a non-autonomous chemotherapy model where the injection rate and injection concentration of the chemotherapy agent are time-dependent.   In particular, we prove that the non-autonomous dynamical system generated by solutions to the non-autonomous chemotherapy system possesses a pullback attractor.   In addition, we investigate the detailed interior structures of the pullback attractor to provide crucial information on the effectiveness of the treatment.  The main analytical tool used is the theory of non-autonomous dynamical systems.  Numerical experiments are carried out to supplement the analysis and illustrate the effectiveness of different types of infusions.


Abstract 2: A chemotherapy model for cancer treatment is studied, where the chemotherapy agent and cells are assumed to follow a predator-prey type relation.   The time delays from the instant that the chemotherapy agent is injected to the instant that the treatment is effective are taken into account and dynamics of systems with or without   delays are compared.   First basic properties of solutions including existence and uniqueness, boundedness and positiveness are  discussed.  Then conditions on  model parameters are established for different outcomes of the treatment.  Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate theoretical results.


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