
【海天学者】Hardy space in two variables

2018年06月19日 08:26  点击:[]


报告题目:Hardy space in two variables

报告人:杨容伟(SUNY at Albany

报告时间:2018619日(星期二) 上午 10:00-11:00

          2018620日(星期三) 上午 10:00-11:00

报告地点:研教楼318  研教楼212-2

报告校内联系人:杨义新               联系电话:84708351-8135

报告摘要: The left evaluation operator maps the two-variable Hardy space H^2(D^2) to the classical one-variable Hardy space H^2(D). It enables us to reformulate Nagy-Foias operator model theory in H^2(D^2), thus bringing in classical operator theory techniques. On the other hand, it reduces some two variable problems in H^2(D^2) to one-variable and makes them easier to handle. In these talks we will review some properties and applications of the evaluation operator.

报告人简介:Rongwei Yang(杨容伟) is a Professor of Mathematics at State University of New York at Albany, USA. His research interests include: multi-variable operator theory, several complex variables, Hermitian bundles, Chern-Weil homomorphism, cyclic cohomology.



上一条:Big Data Analytics in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Certain Investigations for Research and Applications 下一条:A block bi-diagonal Toeplitz preconditioner for block lower triangular Toeplitz system from TSFDEs
