
Stochastic stability and performance of positive Markov jump linear systems with time-delay

2018年05月24日 10:39  点击:[]



报告题目:Stochastic stability and performance of positive Markov jump linear systems with time-delay



报告人:朱淑倩 教授  (山东大学数学学院)

校内联系人:朱春钢, 电话:84708351-8116


报告摘要:The problems of stochastic stability and L1/l1-gain performance analysis are addressed for continuous-time/discrete-time positive Markov jump linear systems with time-delay. By constructing a novel linear co-positive stochastic Lyapunov functional based on the positivity of the system, and characterizing the system equation of the mathematical expectation of the markovianized states, some necessary and sufficient delay-dependent conditions for stochastic stability and L1/l1-gain performance are presented in terms of linear programming. It is revealed that stochastic stability of the positive Markov jump linear system with time-delay is influenced by the size of time-delay and it is demonstrated by examples that the effect of time-delay on stochastic stability can be either positive or negative.


报告人简介:朱淑倩,山东大学数学学院教授。20056月毕业于山东大学数学与系统科学学院运筹学与控制论专业,获理学博士学位,同年7月留校工作,随后进入山东大学计算机学院博士后流动站开展研究工作。20131月至20141月,作为公派访问学者到澳大利亚Central Queensland University进行合作研究。20181月至20182月,为澳大利亚Swinburne University of Technology访问教授。从事正系统、Markov跳变系统和网络化控制系统的交叉课题研究,获山东省自然科学奖二等奖2项,主持国家自然科学基金3项,在《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》,《Automatica》,《Information Sciences》等国际控制论重要学术刊物上和重要国际学术会议上发表学术论文40余篇。

上一条:On Kosniowski conjecture 下一条:【海天学者】David Cheban 教授 系列报告
