
Quasi-periodic solutions for Schrodinger equations with a prescribed potential and higher order nonlinearity

2018年04月16日 08:43  点击:[]

报告题目:Quasi-periodic solutions for Schrodinger equations with a prescribed potential and higher order nonlinearity


报告地点: 创新园大厦A1101报告厅

报告人:石光华  湖南师范大学

报告校内联系人:丛洪滋 副教授 联系电话:84708351-8137

报告摘要:By means of KAM,it is proved that there exist a lot of quasi-periodic solutions for the following equations   subjected to the Dirichlet condition, where   is the given potential.Now the eigenfunctions is not the simple triangle functions, which making it difficult to extract parameters from nonlinearity.Besides, we show that the vector field induced by the nonlinear part is unbounded.

报告人简介:石光华,博士,湖南师范大学数学与统计学院。 2010年本科毕业于兰州大学数学系,2015年博士毕业于复旦大学数学系。师从袁小平教授学习KAM理论。2015年秋在湖南师范大学工作。


上一条:【2018中科院华罗庚班】数学思想方法系列讲座(五)几何中的分类问题-形与数 下一条:A KAM-Theorem for Invariant Tori in Bifurcations of Equilibrium Points
