
【海天学者】】【俄罗斯】On complexity of 3-manifolds

2017年10月10日 09:12  点击:[]



报 告 人:Andrei Vesnin 教授(俄罗斯科学院通讯院士,Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia;大工海天学术大师)

报告题目:On complexity of 3-manifolds



报告摘要:The complexity theory of 3-manifolds, also known as the Matveev complexity theory,  is the base for the powerful approach to the problem of  classification of 3-manifolds. Tables of nundred of thousands of manifolds of small complexity were constructed by computer based methods. In the  talk we will give explicit values of complexity for few infinite families of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. We will discuss closed manifolds, manifolds with cusps, and manifolds with totally geodesic boundary.



报 告 人: Yongjin Song教授(韩国仁荷大学数学系;大工海天学者)

报告题目: Higher category theory and iterated loop spaces



报告摘要:It has been attracting many topologists' interest that a category with some internal algebraic strutrure gives rise to an iterated loop space. Later, a few higher category theories have been developed in the relation with  iterated loop spaces and also as new languages in modern mathematics. In this lecture I will introduce the recent development of those theories and some applications.


Andrei Vesnin教授简介: Prof. Andrei Vesnin is head of the Laboratory of Applied Analysis, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences and a professor of Geometry and Topology, Novosibirsk State University. He received a Candidate of Sciences in physics and mathematics is 1991 from Sobolev Institute of Mathematics for the thesis ”Discrete groups of reflections and three-dimensional manifolds”, and a Doctor of Sciences in physics in mathematics in 2005 for the thesis ”Volumes and isometries of three-dimensional hyperbolic manifolds and orbifolds”. He was a visiting professor in Seoul National University in 2002 – 2004. Prof. Vesnin's reseach interests include low-dimensional topology, knot theory, hyperbolic geometry, combinatorial group theory, graph theory and applications. Prof. Vesnin is the editor-in-chief of Siberian Electronic Mathematics Reports and a member of editorial boards of Siberian Mathematical Journal and Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae.

    In 2008 Prof. Vesnin was elected to corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 


Yongjin SONG教授简介:韩国仁荷大学数学系教授,任韩国数学会副理事长,现任韩国数学会奥数委员会主任,韩国数学奥林匹克队总教练,主要从事代数拓扑领域中的范畴论、同伦论、环路空间结构、辫子群、映射类群和Artin群等方面的研究工作,是代数拓扑领域国际知名专家,2010年曾获韩国数学会最佳指导论文奖(相当于国内的博士百优论文奖),多次承担韩国国家研究基金项目,多次组织主办学术会议,包括韩国大宇纯数学研讨会、日韩代数拓扑会议、中日韩代数拓扑会议、东亚代数拓扑会议、国际数学家大会代数拓扑卫星会议、韩国数学会拓扑研讨会等。

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