
【海天学者】【台湾】Some recent progresses in studies of the Tutte polynomial of a graph

2017年10月10日 09:01  点击:[]


报告题目:Some recent progresses in studies of the Tutte polynomial of a graph

报告人:叶永南 研究员     台北中央研究院数学所研究员

报告时间:20171012日(星期四) 10:00 -11:00

报告地点:创新园大厦 A1101

报告校内联系人:王毅  教授     联系电话84708351-8128

报告摘要: William Tutte is one of the founders of the modern graph. For every undirected graph, Tutte defineda polynomial         in two variables which plays an important role in graph theory. In this talk, we will introduce some recent progresses in studies of the Tutte polynomial of a graph. In Tutte’s original definitions, non-negative integers, called internal and external activities with respect to the arbitrary enumeration, are defined for each spanning tree, they serve as the indices of x and y in the product that is the corresponding term of Tutte polynomial. First, We will introduce the conceptions of σ-cut tail and σ-cycle tail of T, which are generalizations of the conceptions of internally and externally activities, repectively, where σ is a sequence on the edge set of G and T is a spanning tree of G. We will also discuss the conceptions of proper Tutte mapping and deletion-contraction mapping. In 2004, Postnikov and Shapiro introduced the concept of G-parking functions in the study of certain quotients of the polynomial ring. The Tutte polynomial of the graph G can be expressed in terms of statistics of G-parking functions. Let ∆ be a nonsingular M-matrix. We will introduce ∆-parking functions which is a generalization of G-parking functions. We will introduce the abelian sandpile model and ∆-recurrent configurations. There is a simple bijection between ∆-parking functions and ∆-recurrent configurations. We will discuss the geometry of sandpile model. Ingeneral, the Tutte polynomial encodes information about subgraphs of G. For example, for a connected graph G,          is the number of spanning trees of G,         is the number of spanning forests of G,          is the number of connected spanning subgraphs of G,          is the number of spanning subgraphs of G. At last, we will discuss combinatorial interpretations of         and         .




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