
Water waves problem with surface tension in a corner domain I: A priori estimates with constrained contact angle

2017年09月07日 11:03  点击:[]


报告题目:Water waves problem with surface tension in a corner domain I: A priori estimates with constrained contact angle

报告人:王超  北京大学国际数学中心



校内联系人:王文栋   联系电话:84708351-8139


摘要: In this talk, I will talk about the two dimensional water waves problem with surface tension in the case when there is a non-zero contact angle between the free surface and the bottom. In the presence of surface tension, dissipations take place at the contact point. Moreover, when the contact angle is less than \pi/6, no singularity appears in our settings. Using elliptic estimates in corner domains and a geometric approach, we prove an a priori estimate for the water waves problem.  The work is joint with Mei Ming.


王超,2007年毕业于南京大学,2012年获得中科院数学所博士学位。2013年去法国访问一年,目前在北京大学国际数学中心工作,主要研究水波问题,流体力学偏微分方程的适定性等。目前在国际著名杂志Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. Adv. Math.SIAM J. Math. Anal.发表多篇科研论文。



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