
【2017年天元数学东北地区高校青年教师暑期培训系列报告之八】Bergman and Lipschitz spaces on the unit ball (II)

2017年07月22日 09:13  点击:[]




报告题目:Bergman and Lipschitz spaces on the unit ball (II)

报告人:朱克和 教授 纽约州立大学 奥尔巴尼校区

报告时间:2017723日 下午14:00-15:30


校内联系人:卢玉峰  联系电话:84708352


摘要:For any real        and p>0 we will define the Bergman space        and the Lipschitz space        on the unit ball. We will then discuss various characterizations, pointwise estimates, Bergman type projections, integral representations, atomic decompositions, duality, and complex interpolation for these spaces.


报告人简介: Kehe Zhu (朱克和) is currently a professor at the State University of New York at Albany. He is also an adjunct professor at Shantou University. He earned his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the National University of Defense Technology (国防科技大学) and his PhD degree in mathematics from the State University of New York at Buffalo.

 Professor Zhu’s research areas are complex analysis and operator theory, including the study of various analytic function spaces (such as Bergman and Lipschitz spaces) and various operators on such spaces (such as Hankel and Toeplitz operators). His publications include over 100 papers and several monographs in these areas.







上一条:【2017年天元数学东北地区高校青年教师暑期培训系列报告之九】共振--稳定与不稳定 下一条:2017年天元数学东北地区高校青年教师暑期培训系列报告之七】Bergman and Lipschitz spaces on the unit ball (I)
