
Introduction to averaging and application to a transport problem

2017年06月28日 14:18  点击:[]


报告题目:Introduction to averaging and application to a transport problem

报告人:Alex Grigo (University of Oklahoma)

报告时间:201774日(星期二)   上午10:20-11:10


校内联系人:曹杨 副教授

报告摘要:In this talk we will give an introduction to averaging theory in deterministic and random settings. As an application we will describe billiard models that arise in certain models of interacting particle systems, and show how averaging theory can be used to compute transport phenomena.

报告人简介:Alex Grigo obtained his Ph.D. in mathematics from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2009. After a 3 year post-doctoral fellowship at the Fields institute and the university of Toronto he joined the faculty at the department of mathematics at the university of Oklahoma. His research interests are in statistical properties of deterministic and random dynamical systems, kinetic theory, and related problems in statistical physics.







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