
【海天学者】Statistical Computing Issues in Cure Models

2016年09月06日 10:42  点击:[]


报告人:彭英伟 教授  加拿大女皇大学 Queens University

报告校内联系人:宋立新 教授        联系电话:84708351-8026 

报告题目 1Prediction in Survival Models

报告时间:2016 9 12 (周一)下午 2:00--3:00

报告地点:研教楼 410

报告题目 2Statistical Computing Issues in Cure Models

报告时间:2016 9 19 (周一)下午 2:00--3:00

报告地点:创新园大厦 A1101 

报告人简介:彭英伟,现为加拿大女皇大学(Queens University)数学与统计系(Department of Mathematics and Statistics)和公共健康科学系(Department of Public Health Sciences (formerly Community Health and Epidemiology))终身教授(Tenured Professor),公共健康科学系生物统计所 所长,公共健康科学系生物统计研究生项目主任,同时也是NCIC Clinical Trials Group (Cancer Care and Epidemiology Division of Cancer Research Institute)的资深生物统计分析师。在 BiometricsStatistics in MedicineComputational Statistics & Data AnalysisCanadian Journal of Statistics 等国际主流期刊发表论文 60 余篇,累计引用千余次,单篇文章最高引用 200 余次。现任 Associate Editor of Canadian Journal of StatisticsStatistical Adviser of BMC-series journals, Member of Editorial Board of Advances in Statistics, and Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews, 并为 Biometrics, BiostatisticsStatistics in Medicine, Journal of American Statistical Association, Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series C, Lifetime Data Analysis, Statistica Sinica 等期刊审稿人。主持或参与美国 NIH、加拿大 NSERC 等科研基金项 目共 22 项,累积资助经费逾百万加元。并担任加拿大卫生研究院(CIHR)、加拿大自然科学 与工程研究理事会(NSERC)、加拿大国立癌症研究所(NCIC)、瑞士自然科学等基金评审委 员会成员。 






                                               2016 9 5

上一条:【海天学者】 Lower central series and the relative Lie algebras of subgroups of braid groups I 下一条:【海天学者】Prediction in Survival Models
