

2015年11月12日 10:04  点击:[]




一、        学术交流报告会

时间:1115日(周日);     报告地点:创新园大厦A1101报告厅








人:肖燕妮  (西安交大)

报告题目:Modelling hospital infections in an intensive care unit




报告题目:A new estimating equation approach for marginal hazard ratio estimation


人:惠永昌  (西安交大)

报告题目:A New Nonlinearity Test to Circumvent the Limitation of Volterra Expansion with Applications





人:侯延仁  (西安交大)

报告题目:An Expandable Local and Parallel Two-Grid Finite Element Scheme




报告题目:Homotopy analysis method: convergence proof, error analysis and applications


人:李东升  (西安交大)

报告题目:Regularity of Elliptic Systems with Directional Homogenization






报告题目:From the Q-tensor flow for the liquid crystal to the harmonic map flow



人:孟德宇  (西安交大)

报告题目:What's the insight of self-paced learning


二、        座谈会








报告题目:What's the insight of self-paced learning

报告摘要: Self-paced learning (SPL) is a recently proposed learning regime inspired by the learning process of humans and animals that gradually incorporates easy to more complex samples into training. While several easy SPL implementation strategies have been proposed, it is still short of a general paradigm for guiding the construction of rational SPL learning regimes targeting specific applications. To resolve this problem, we provide an axiom for insightfully formulating the underlying principles of self-paced learning. This axiomatic understanding not only involves the previous SPL learning schemes as its special cases, but also can be utilized to extend a series of new SPL implementation regimes based on certain application aims. In the recent two years, we have constructed several SPL realizations, including SPaR, SPLD, SPCL, SPMF, based on this axiom, and achieved the best performance in several known benchmark datasets, e.g., Web Query, Hollywood2, and Olympic Sports. Especially, this paradigm has been integrated into the system developed by CMU Informedia team, and achieved the leading performance in challenging semantic query (SQ)/000Ex tasks of the TRECVID MED/MER competition organized by NIST in 2014.

    In this talk, Ill introduce some of our recent developments on the insightful understanding under SPL regime. We will use these results to explain the intrinsic reason why SPL can work in applications with highly noisy scenarios.

报告人简介:孟德宇,博士,西安交通大学数学与统计学院副教授,博导。 曾于2006年赴英国Essex大学进行学术访问,于2009年赴香港中文大学进行博士后研究,2012-2014年赴卡内基梅隆大学进行学术合作。在TIP, TKDE, TSMCB, TNNLS, PR, Neural Computation等国际期刊与CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, AAAI, ICML, NIPS, ACM MM等计算机顶级会议发表论文多篇。担任ICML, CVPR, ICCV, ACM MM, AAAICCF A类会议程序委员会委员,2016AAAI会议高级程序委员会委员。2010年获陕西省青年科技奖,陕西省优秀博士论文奖。目前主要聚焦于机器学习、数据挖掘、计算机视觉、多媒体分析等方面的研究。



报告题目:Regularity of Elliptic Systems with Directional Homogenization

报告摘要: In this talk, we will discuss the regularity of solutions of elliptic systems with directional homogenization.Here directional homogenization means that the coefficients of equations are rapidly oscillating only in some directions. We will investigate the different regularity of solutions on directions between with homogenization and without homogenization. Actually, we obtain uniform interior $W^{1,p}$ estimates in all directions and $C^{1,\alpha}$ estimates in the directions without homogenization.




报告题目:A New Nonlinearity Test to Circumvent the Limitation of Volterra Expansion with Applications

报告摘要:In this talk, we propose a quick and efficient method to examine whether a time series possesses any nonlinear feature by testing a kind of dependence remained in the residuals after fitting the series with a linear model. The advantage of our proposed nonlinearity test is that it is not required to know the exact nonlinear features and the detailed nonlinear forms of the series. Our simulation study shows that our proposed test is stable and powerful but does not have over rejection problem. We apply our proposed statistic to test whether there is any nonlinear feature in the sunspot data and whether the S&P 500 index follows a random walk model. The conclusion drawn from our proposed test is consistent those from other tests.




报告题目:An Expandable Local and Parallel Two-Grid Finite Element Scheme

报告摘要: In this talk, we will discuss an expandable local and parallel two-grid finite element scheme for elliptic problems by taking example of Poisson equation. Compared with the usual local and parallel finite element schemes, the scheme discussed here can be easily implemented in a large parallel computer system that has a lot of CPUs. Convergence results base on $H^1$ and $L^2$ a priori error estimation of the scheme are obtained, which show that the scheme can reach the optimal convergence orders within $|\ln H|^2$ or $|\ln H|$ two-grid iterations if the coarse mesh size $H$ and the fine mesh size $h$ are properly configured in 2-D or 3-D case, respectively.

报告人简介:侯延仁, 博士, 西安交通大学数学与统计学院计算科学系教授, 博士生导师. 1987-1997年在西安交通大学数学系学习并取得博士学位,1997年留校工作至今。研究方向为数值分析,发表学术论文八十余篇。



报告题目:Modelling hospital infections in an intensive care unit

报告摘要:Major challenges remain when attempting to quantify and evaluate the impacts of contaminated environments and heterogeneity in the cohorting of health care workers (HCWs) on hospital infections. Data on the detection rate of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (MRAB) in a Chinese intensive care unit (ICU) were obtained to accurately evaluate the level of environmental contamination and also to simplify existing models. In this talk, a data-driven mathematical models, including mean-field and pair approximation models (deterministic and stochastic), were proposed to examine the comprehensive effect of integrated measures including cohorting, increasing nurse-patient ratios and improvement of environmental sanitation on MRAB infection. Our results indicate that for clean environments and with strict cohorting, increasing the nurse-patient ratio results in an initial increase and then a decline in MRAB colonization. In contrast, in contaminated environments, increasing the nurse-patient ratio may lead to either a consistent increase or an initial increase followed by a decline of MRAB colonization, depending on the level of environmental contamination and the cohorting rate. In order to develop more effective control strategies, the findings suggest that increasing the cohorting rate and nurse-patient ratio are effective interventions for relatively clean environments, while cleaning the environment more frequently and increasing hand washing rate are suitable measures in contaminated environments. 

    Joint work with X.Wang, J.Wang, X. Lu, Yong Chen and Li Han.

报告人简介:肖燕妮,西安交通大学数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师。研究领域是生物数学。 研究工作集中在连续、脉冲或非光滑动力系统的基本理论研究,及其在流行病动力学、种群动力学、病毒动力学和药物动力学的应用研究,研究对象直接与传染病防治、生态平衡、生物资源管理等密切相关,是社会关注的热点,有很强的应用前景。2008年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划2014年在日本举行的国际生物数学年会做大会特邀(1小时)报告。2013年在国际医学领域、药学权威综述刊物《Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews》合作发表综述文章,该期刊最新公布的影响因子是12.88. 2015年在Nature 子刊《Scientific Reports》发表关于媒体对传染病传播影响的文章,文章发表后得到中外媒体的广泛关注。加拿大最具影响力的报纸《环球邮报》(The Globe and Mail2015119日)、光明网头版(2015116)、果壳网科学人以及中国日报(2015116日)等对研究成果进行了报道。



报告题目:Homotopy analysis method: convergence proof, error analysis and applications





报告题目:From the Q-tensor flow for the liquid crystal to the harmonic map flow

报告摘要:In this talk, we consider the solutions of the relaxed Q-tensor flow in $R^3$ with small parameter $epsilon$. Firstly, we show that the limiting map is the so called harmonic map flow; Secondly, we also present a new proof for the global existence of weak solution for the harmonic map flow in three dimensions as Struwe in 1988 and Rubinstein-Sternberg-Keller in 1989, where Ginzburg-Landau approximation approach was used.This is a joint work with M. Wang and Z.F. Zhang.




报告题目:A new estimating equation approach for marginal hazard ratio estimation

报告摘要:Clustered failure time data often arise in biomedical studies and a marginal regression modeling approach is often preferred to avoid assumption on the dependence structure within clusters. A novel estimating equation approach is proposed based on a semiparametric marginal proportional hazards model to take the   correlation within clusters into account. Different from the traditional marginal method for clustered failure time data, our method explicitly models the correlation structure within clusters by using a pre-specified working correlation matrix. The estimates from the proposed method are proved to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Simulation studies show that the proposed method is more efficient than the existing marginal methods. Finally, the model and the proposed method are applied to a kidney infections study.








上一条:【Curtin University】—Kok Lay Teo “Optimal Control Computation for Nonlinear Switched Systems” 下一条:【云南大学】—唐年胜“Semiparametric Estimating Equations Inference with Nonignorable Missing Data”
