
【华罗庚班主题报告十二】【中科院】------洪奕光 从系统稳定性理论的发展历史看科研创新

2015年06月18日 08:59  点击:[]


报告题目 从系统稳定性理论的发展历史看科研创新

报告人:洪奕光  研究员 中科院




Speaker: Professor Yiguang Hong received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Peking University, and his Ph.D. degree from Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He is currently a professor of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS.  He is the director of Key Lab of Systems & Control, CAS, and the director of Information Technology Division of National Center for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences, CAS.  He got Guan Zhaozhi Award in Chinese Control Conference (1997), Young Author Prize of 14th IFAC Triennial World Congress (1999), Young Scientist Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2001), Outstanding Young Scholar Award from NNSF of China (2004), Youth Award of Science and Technology of China (2006), State Natural Science Prize of China (2008).    He is the Editor-in-chief of Control Theory and Technology, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Acta Automatica Sinica.  He is or was Associate Editors of some journals including IEEE Trans Automatic Control, IEEE Control Systems Magazine,  Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, Kybernetika, Asian J. Control, and J. Systems Science and Complexity.  Moreover, he was the IEEE CSS Membership & Public Information Committee Chair and Chapter Activities Chair.







上一条:【德克萨斯大学】—乔志军 A three-component Camassa-Holm (3CH) system with cubic nonlinearity and peakons 下一条:代数学及其应用报告会
