
【特拉华州立大学】The Haar Wavelet Analysis of Matrices and its Applications

2019年05月08日 16:41  点击:[]

报告题目The Haar Wavelet Analysis of Matrices and its Applications

报告人:施锡泉 教授



报告联系人:雷逢春  教授    联系电话:84708360


It is well known that Fourier analysis or wavelet analysis is a very powerful and useful tool for a function since they convert time-domain problems into frequency-domain problems. Does it has similar tools for a matrix? By pairing a matrix to a piecewise function, a Haar-like wavelet is used to set up a similar tool for matrix analyzing, resulting in new methods for matrix approximation and orthogonal decomposition.  By using our method, one can approximate a matrix by matrices with different orders. Our method also results in a new matrix orthogonal decomposition, reproducing Haar transformation for matrices with orders of powers of two. The computational complexity of the new orthogonal decomposition is linear. That is, for an $m\times n$ matrix, the computational complexity  is $O(mn)$. In addition, when the method is applied to $k$-means clustering, one can obtain that $k$-means clustering can be equivalent converted to the problem of finding a  best approximation solution of a function. In fact, the results in this paper could be applied to any matrix related problems. In addition, one can also employee other wavelet transformations and Fourier transformation to obtain similar results.

报告人简介:施锡泉,现任特拉华州立大学(Delaware State University)终身教授。曾于1992年至2001年任职大连理工大学,历任副教授、教授和博士导师之职。获得荣誉包括:德国洪堡科研基金(Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung)、霍英东高校青年教师研究基金、教育部(原国家教委)科技进步二等奖,大连市十大杰出科技青年等。施锡泉博士的研究方向包括计算几何、多元样条、特殊函数等,已发表论文90余篇







上一条:【香港理工大学】An Efficient Duality-based Numerical Method for Sparse Optimal Control Problems 下一条:2019中科院华罗庚班数学思想方法系列讲座(七)交通科学中的一些数学问题
